UMAC Communiqués are short and informal bulletins on topics of interest to the university museums and collections community. They put the topic in context, dissect it, and provide guidelines and bibliography. Each issue has a max. of 1-2 pages.

UMAC Communiqués are published as needed, with no pre-established frequency.

UMAC Communiqué No 1 (Fall 2017)Branding: Best Practices for University Museums, Lyndel King

UMAC Communiqué No 2 (Fall 2018): A Primer on Institutional Planning or What We do, Why We Do it, and How We Know We’re Doing it Well, Jill Hartz

 UMAC Communiqué No 3 (Fall 2019): A Team Approach to Exhibition Development, Barbara Rothermel


Do you have a suggestion for topics you would like to see addressed by the UMAC Communiqués? Would you like to write a future issue of UMAC Communiqué about one topic of your expertise?

Please get in touch with  Barbara Rothermel, Editor of UMAC Communiqués.