Dear Colleagues,
It is my pleasure to announce the three nominees of the UMAC AWARD 2024.
Congratulations to the finalists!
The finalists for the 2024 UMAC Award are (in alphabetical order of the institution):
Project Title: “Science from the Islamic world to today’s Europe. Cross-Fertilization between past and future”
Project Title: “Curating Discomfort”
Project Title: “MADE IN POLIMI_Tales from Politecnico di Milano”
The final announcement of the winner will be made on 26 September, during UMAC’s Annual General Meeting to be held at UMAC-UNIVERSEUM Dresden.
Akiko Fukuno
Chair of UMAC Award Committee
Vice Chair, ICOM Japan
Curator, International Christian University Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum
10–2, Osawa 3–chome, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo 181–8585 JAPAN