Chair: Hakim Abdul Rahim, University of Canberra, AUSTRALIA
Co-chair: Zhao Ke, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China, CHINA
The emerging professionals of today are the cultural leaders of tomorrow. It is from this that the UMAC Futures group was conceptualized, answering the need to facilitate networks and create connections with early career professionals but also equipping them with knowledge and skills to face uncertain futures and future-proof the heritage encompassed within University Museums and Collections.
UMAC Futures will be framed by cross-cultural and interdisciplinary concepts such as Ikigai, a Japanese concept loosely translated to “the reason for being” or “thing that you live for”. Exploring the concept within the group would be beneficial in enhancing and strengthening the profession and create a sense of purposed and resilience. The group will also be informed by the body of work that encompasses Future Heritage which looks at how present practices and our interactions with the materiality around us will affect the uncertain heritage of the future.
So watch this space for more exciting news and developments!
Main documents:
UMAC Futures Summary Report Kyoto, 5 September 2019.
UMAC Futures founding document, approved by the UMAC Board, 7 September 2018.