21st UMAC Annual General Meeting

The materials for the 21st UMAC AGM, scheduled for Friday, 3 September 2021, 10.30 AM Lisbon/London time, have been released:

  • Agenda
  • Invitation Letter
  • President’s report
  • Minutes of the 20th UMAC AGM

Consult them here.

According to the ICOM statutes and UMAC bylaws, all UMAC members in good standing can participate in the annual general meetings.

SJTU-T.D. Lee Science and Artworks Competition 2021

Call for Proposals 

Liquid crystal in its crystal state under a polarized-light microscope. Photo: Alamy.

The SJTU T.D. LEE Science and Art Lecture Fund of Shanghai Jiao Tong University (hereinafter referred to as the Science and Art Fund) was established in 2013 to promote the integration of science and art and carry forward the spirit of science and art. The Science and Art Fund would organize a Science and Art Works Competition every year to encourage the creation of works of art based on scientific themes, and select outstanding scientific and art works from around the world to organize special exhibitions after review and evaluation. So far, 7 science and art works competitions and exhibitions have been successfully held. 

Read more about the competition, dates, awards, etc here.

Competition website, Shanghai Jiao Tong University T.D. LEE Science and Art Lecture Fund  here.


Live Presentations UMAC AWARD 2021

Save the dates for the live presentation of the three nominees to the UMAC Award 2021.

23 August, 10:00 (Israel), 8:00 (Lisbon), 16:00 (Tokyo):
The Genia Schreiber Art Gallery and Michel Kikoïne Foundation
Project: Plan(e)t: Plants Think, Think Plants
Tel Aviv University, ISRAEL
Session Chair: Marta Lourenço
Live streaming here
25 August, 18:00 (US-EST), 23:00 (Lisbon), 7:00 (Tokyo, August 26):
Harvard Art Museums
Project: The Pandemic Pivot
Harvard University, USA
Session Chair: Akiko Fukuno
Live streaming here
27 August, 9:00 (Denmark), 8:00 (Lisbon), 16:00 (Tokyo) :

Science Museerne
Project: Profession and Passion. A Life in Science.
Aarhus University, DENMARK
Session Chair: Sébastien Soubiran
Live streaming here


UMAC AWARD 2021: Announcement Shortlist

Today, the shortlist of the three nominees to the UMAC AWARD 2021 was publicly announced by the Chair of the UMAC Award Committee, Akiko Fukuno.


To access the whole announcement on UMAC you tube channel:


UMAC AWARD 2021 Shortlist Announcement

UMAC celebrates excellencecreativity, and, more importantly, the impact of university museums and collections on their host universities, their communities and contemporary society through the UMAC AWARD, given every year.

In 2021 the candidates to the UMAC AWARD were amazing and UMAC will be announcing the shortlist of the 3 finalists on July 12, at 8 AM London/Lisbon time, live in our YouTube channel:

Conversations with each of the finalists will occur in the last week of August and the final announcement will happen during the UMAC-Universeum 2021 Annual Conference.



AAMG Releases Statement Against Monetizing Collections (USA)


The COVID-19 pandemic created new challenges and financial constraints to many university museums and collections in the world.

The US-based Association of Academic Museums and Galleries (AAMG) has  recently released a Statement Against Monetizing the Collections of Academic Museums & Galleries.

The Statement results from the Task Force for the Protection of University Collections, where UMAC participates through Vice-Chair Steph Scholten.


Polyphonic Perspectives

Polyphonic Perspectives: Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural materials in Museums and University Collections and global issues of repatriation and restitution

A combined CAUMAC / UMAC / ICOM Australia webinar with the support of the National Museum of Australia.
June 7, 2021 at 2:00pm EST (Australia)