A new Observatory of University Museums


The Universidad Nacional de La Plata (UNLP), Argentina, created an OBSERVATORY OF UNIVERSITY MUSEUMS.

The Observatory is an interdisciplinary project that encourages the reflection, analysis and innovation in the practices of the museums of the UNLP. It proposes a space for study and collective construction in order to contribute to the formulation of proposals and actions on subjects regarding the patrimony, that have an impact in social, cultural, economic and political contexts.


  1. Promoting spaces for the dialogue, exchange and spreading of knowledge and interdisciplinary experiences.
  2. Elaborating diagnoses to encourage the knowledge and comprehension of the variety of collections and museums in the National University of La Plata.
  3. Defining criteria for the gathering and comparison of the data, concepts and methodologies related to the museology field.
  4. Defining and developing topics of investigation, parting from common interests.
  5. Producing theoretical material as a product of the investigations and data-gathering.
  6. Designing processes of professional development for the museums’ workers and the future professionals.
  7. Innovating in the field of social museology and the patrimony.


More information here.


Mariana Santamaría | Museo de Física | Salas Museo de la Biblioteca Pública | UNLP

mariana@fisica.unlp.edu.ar / wassap +54 9 221 6037324