These leaflets contain basic information about UMAC in English, French and Spanish.
They can be printed for multiple purposes. We vividly encourage UMAC members to circulate them in conferences, seminars and other relevant initiatives. We also encourage translations into other languages. If you are willing to translate the leaflet, please contact us!
L.F. Lopes, courtesy Museums of the University of Lisbon.
Courtesy Museums of the University of Lisbon.
Bernard Braech, courtesy University of Strasbourg
C. Teixeira, courtesy Faculty of Medicine, University of Lisbon.
Self-Portrait, “Fünfter Dezember 2001“ (5 December 2001), pen drawing, aquarelle painting by Horst Leifer. Courtesy Sammlung Arzt, Patient und Krankheit in der Kunst, TU Dresden.
Claude Meninger, service régional de l’inventaire, Région Grand-Est, courtesy Jardin des sciences, University of Strasbourg.
Lisbon Astronomical Observatory, D. Felismino, courtesy Museums of the University of Lisbon.
Baillieu Library Print Collection (Hendrick Goltzius, The dragon devouring the companions of Cadmus, 1588), courtesy University of Melbourne.
Lisbon Botanic Garden, C. Garcia, courtesy Museums of the University of Lisbon.
Botanic illustration, 18th century, courtesy Museums of the University of Lisbon.
Courtesy Museo de Instrumentos Musicales ‘Dr. Emilio Azzarini’, National University of La Plata.
Courtesy Jumping over the Dragon Gate Folk Art Museum, University of Tianjin
Constance Stokes, Life study, seated man, three quarter length, from side, 1926. Courtesy VCA Art Collection, University of Melbourne.
Lisbon Astronomical Observatory, M. Heller, courtesy Ministère de la Culture, France.
Bernard Braech, courtesy University of Strasbourg.
Don Wong, courtesy Weisman Art Museum, University of Minnesota.
Courtesy Museums of the University of Lisbon.
Ostwald Colour System of 1923 (replica), K.J. Lassig, courtesy Sammlung Farbenlehre, TU Dresden.
Courtesy Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon.
Courtesy Ajuda Botanic Garden, University of Lisbon.
Courtesy Ajuda Botanic Garden, University of Lisbon.
Laboratorio Chimico, courtesy Museums of the University of Lisbon.