UMAC joins LinkedIn …

Dear University museum and collections specialists and all those interested in museology in higher education, we are starting a new Linkedin group!

UMAC – ICOM international committee for university museums and collections | Groups | LinkedIn

ICOM’s International Committee for University Museums and Collections (UMAC) have established this group as a platform for discussions about university museums and collections. It is open to UMAC members and also any one who is interested in museums and collections of higher education.

Please use this group to promote the work of your university museums and collections with news on exhibitions, events, publications and other activities. The group can also be used to pose and answer questions about museums and collections in higher education and operates as a discussion forum. We also welcome postings about best practice and links to useful documents. Join us today!

UMAC – ICOM international committee for university museums and collections | Groups | LinkedIn

Andrew Simpson Chair UMAC (University Museums and Collections) An International Committee of ICOM 





UMAC ZOOM IN: NEW PROJECTS #6, The Alliance of Taiwanese University Museums

Listen to the latest discussion in: UMAC ZOOM IN

The video is about the Taiwanese Alliance of University Museums 

Marta Lourenco, Former Chair of UMAC-ICOM, talks to Jeng-Horng Chen, Associate Professor in the Department of Systems and Naval Mechatronic Engineering of National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) and former NCKU Museum Director. Also participating: Mei-Fang Kuo and Ying-Ching Chiang.



UMAC ZOOM IN: NEW PROJECTS #6, The Alliance of Taiwanese University Museums – YouTube