The 2023 UMAC Award

The 2023 UMAC Award

UMAC (University Museums and Collections) is the International Committee of ICOM (International Council of Museums), the global organisation of museum professions working in higher education. Established in 2001, it is a relatively new group in comparison with many other committees within ICOM.

One of the group’s initiatives was the establishment of the UMAC Award. The UMAC AWARD was created in 2016. It is an annual competition judged by an international group of experienced museum professionals. The Award Committee is chaired by Akiko Fukuno from the Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum, International Christian University, Tokyo. (See for the full list of currently appointed judges).

The Award honours excellence and innovation in university museums and collections work worldwide. It seeks to distinguish and reward recent outstanding contributions through project work to all areas of museum and collections theory and practice, particularly those with interdisciplinary approaches and a potential for wide application.

Projects nominated for the UMAC Award cover all areas of museums and collections theory and practice, including exhibition development, education, conservation, teaching, research, management and business models, design and architecture, ethics, service to the university and the public, strategic planning, and advances in museology.

Projects nominated must demonstrate: innovation/creativity; excellence; transferability of ideas that can be adopted by other university museums and collections regardless of geography, size or location; and impact on the host university, the community or society at large.

UMAC celebrates excellence, creativity, and, more importantly, the impact of university museums and collections on their host universities, their communities and contemporary society through the UMAC AWARD. “The Award is an important reminder that some of the most creative new museum work actually occurs in the higher education sector” says Andrew Simpson, the current Chair of UMAC.

The 2023 UMAC Award was won by the Chau Chak Wing Museum, University of Sydney, for their project, Object-Based Learning Program. It is the first time the UMAC Award has been won by an Australian university.

The Award was accepted by Dr. Paul Donnelly, Deputy Director of the Chau Chak Wing Museum at the UMAC AGM, held on 1 September. The ceremony was attended by the representatives of the three UMAC Award 2023 finalists and the Jury, both online and in-person.

For the three finalists for the 2023 UMAC Award, see our previous media release:

Or see the playlist on our YouTube Channel

The judges of the UMAC Award for 2023 were clearly impressed by the transformative impact object-based learning had made across the curriculum at the University of Sydney via the Chau Chak Wing Museum program.

The CCWM was strategically designed with interdisciplinarity at its core. It’s centralised position within the university structure and the diversity of its collections allows the OBL program to enrich the academic environment of all students regardless of their area of study, and to act as a hub of productive interdisciplinary connections for staff and students. The OBL program’s success is due to the fact that each class is bespoke to meet specific learning outcomes, with carefully curated objects and purposefully designed active and autonomous learning activities to develop key skills.

“It’s a great example of the fundamental role collections have in the pedagogy of higher education, particularly the ability to draw cross-disciplinary connections for students and staff” says Andrew Simpson. “Congratulations to the CCWM OBL team. We hope the UMAC Award continues to be a focus for exemplary museum practice in higher education.”

The other two finalists for 2023 were the Genia Shrieber University Art Gallery, The David and Yolanda Katz Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University for their project: “In the Mind’s Eye,” and the Medical Museion, the University of Copenhagen for their project: “The World is in You.”

Previous winners of the UMAC Awards (from the website

National University of Singapore – 2016

Sam Noble Museum of Natural History, University of Oklahoma – 2017

The Perm University History Museum, Russia – 2018.

Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen, Denmark – 2019.

University of Tartu Museum, Estonia – 2020.

Aarhus University, Denmark, Science Museums – 2021.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China – 2022.



PDF of media release:


Tokyo, Japan—The UMAC Award is presented annually to a university museum or collection in the world whose projects or initiatives demonstrate innovation and creativity, excellence and transferability of ideas that can be adopted by other university museums and collections, and that have significant impact on the host university,
the community or society at large.

Media Release

The Award will be announced during the UMAC’s Annual General Meeting at UMAC SYDNEY, to be held on 1 September.

Akiko Fukuno
Chair of the UMAC Award Committee

The finalists for the 2023 UMAC Award are (in alphabetical order of the institution):

*Chau Chak Wing Museum, The University of Sydney
       Project Title: Object Based Learning Program

*The Genia Shrieber University Art Gallery, The David and Yolanda 
     Katz Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University
     Project Title: In the Mind’s Eye

*Medical Museion, The University of Copenhagen
     Project Title: The World is in You

Are you intrigued by the power of objects to engage and inform?   

Knowledgeable Object Symposium

Are you intrigued by the power of objects to engage and inform?   

The University of Sydney’s Chau Chak Wing Museum and University Library, in partnership with AMaGA NSW, are hosting The Knowledgeable Object one-day symposium. The symposium will explore what makes objects so valuable in educational and museum contexts. It is aimed at teachers, students and professionals in education and the GLAM sector and will be held on Thursday 16th November 2023 at the Chau Chak Wing Museum.  


We are seeking expressions of interest from education and GLAM professionals who would like to explore the following questions:   

• How can we develop an effective Object-Based Learning Community of Practice? Can we define OBL best-practice? 

• What new creative ways are there for thinking, knowing and working with objects to enhance skill development in cross-disciplinary contexts?   

• How does “the digital” change our relationship with collections?   

• How do we empower educators and students to more effectively utilise GLAM collections for OBL?   

We seek expressions of interest for presentations and panel discussions via this online form, to be submitted by 1st Sept 2023.


Registration for the event will be opened from September. Registration fee will be $45 (standard) or $30 (volunteer) and will include morning tea and lunch. 

Academic Engagement Curatorial Team

Chau Chak Wing Museum (F21) | The University of Sydney | NSW | 2006 |

Academic Engagement Program:

Latest edition of the UMAC Journal now available from our website – UMACJ 15.1

Latest edition of the UMAC Journal now available from our website! Articles on the Judy Chicago quilt, ruby rod laser, COVID impacts, training future professionals, Japanese plaster cast collections and university museums in Brazil!
Writing by Victor E.T.M. Abalada, Bernadette Biedermann, Marcus Granato, Eve Guerry, Eileen Johnson, Nicola Ladkin, Beth M. Merfish, Kathy Messens, Andrew Simpson, Rintaro Terakado, Jane Thogersen, Mieke Uyttendaele, Dominick Verschelde & Hanne Windels.

UMAC 2023 – In-person attendance is at capacity – Digital registrations still available

Dear colleagues,
Just a reminder that this year’s annual conference, UMAC 2023 will be held on Gadigal Land at the Chau Chak Wing Museum, the University of Sydney in around 10 weeks’ time.
Thank you to those presenters and other delegates who have already registered, we look forward to seeing you in person or digitally in late August.
As of the 31st July, in-person registrations have reached capacity and there is a waiting list.  Digital registrations are still available. To register for online access please visit University of Sydney 
 The UMAC 2023 webpages have been updated with new information covering aspects of the conference that now includes extended activities from Monday 28 August and into the following week starting Monday 4 September.
For a quick overview head to the main webpage.


Information about some of the extra activities and workshops including Weaving Workshop, Behind the Scenes Tour and DIY Virtual Museum workshop can be seen on the special events section. 


For our international visitors, information on Sydney can be found here. 


And a FAQ page for other questions including bursaries, transport to the host venue and accommodation.


The registration link remains on the webpages and can be found via


More information to come soon. General inquiries contact: 

It will be an extraordinary conference downunder!
Register now!
Best regards


Andrew Simpson
Chair UMAC (University Museums and Collections)
An International Committee of ICOM

UMAC joins LinkedIn …

Dear University museum and collections specialists and all those interested in museology in higher education, we are starting a new Linkedin group!

UMAC – ICOM international committee for university museums and collections | Groups | LinkedIn

ICOM’s International Committee for University Museums and Collections (UMAC) have established this group as a platform for discussions about university museums and collections. It is open to UMAC members and also any one who is interested in museums and collections of higher education.

Please use this group to promote the work of your university museums and collections with news on exhibitions, events, publications and other activities. The group can also be used to pose and answer questions about museums and collections in higher education and operates as a discussion forum. We also welcome postings about best practice and links to useful documents. Join us today!

UMAC – ICOM international committee for university museums and collections | Groups | LinkedIn

Andrew Simpson Chair UMAC (University Museums and Collections) An International Committee of ICOM 





UMAC ZOOM IN: NEW PROJECTS #6, The Alliance of Taiwanese University Museums

Listen to the latest discussion in: UMAC ZOOM IN

The video is about the Taiwanese Alliance of University Museums 

Marta Lourenco, Former Chair of UMAC-ICOM, talks to Jeng-Horng Chen, Associate Professor in the Department of Systems and Naval Mechatronic Engineering of National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) and former NCKU Museum Director. Also participating: Mei-Fang Kuo and Ying-Ching Chiang.



UMAC ZOOM IN: NEW PROJECTS #6, The Alliance of Taiwanese University Museums – YouTube