The University Museums and Collections Journal is a peer-reviewed, on-line journal published by the International Committee for University Museums and Collections (UMAC), a Committee of the International Council of Museums (ICOM).

The University Museums and Collections Journal aims to publish two issues per year. One of these issues may represent an abstracts volume from one of UMAC’s international meetings. The journal is completely on-line, and no hard-copy publication is available. The Journal is an Open Access journal and is available free of charge.

ISSN 2071-7229

Editorial Policy

The University Museums and Collections Journal publishes original research on all aspects of museology and museum practice in higher education globally. All articles published explore theoretical concepts of museology in a higher education setting and/or pertinent aspects of organisation theory. Leading scholarship on the materiality of higher education will also feature in the Journal. Individual case studies are acceptable as contributions to the Journal, provided they are appropriately theoretically framed.

This journal is printed in English, and submissions are accepted in this format for peer review. Authors are also encouraged to submit an additional copy in a preferred/first language. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure the paper in an alternate language is edited. Both versions of the paper would be available via the UMAC website.


Andrew Simpson, Australia


  • UMACJ 16 (2), 2024 –  Full access
  • UMACJ 16 (1), 2024 – Pedagogy Hub 2 (gardeners: Alistair Kwan & Andrew Simpson)  Full access




  • UMACJ 13 (2), 2021 – Pedagogy Hub (eds. Alistair Kwan & Andrew Simpson) Full access
  • UMACJ 13 (2), 2021 – Chinese edition  Full access
  • UMACJ 13 (1), 2021 –  Full access
  • UMACJ 13 (1), 2021 – Chinese edition  Full access



Special Issue:

  • Repatriation and Restitution: The Role of University Museums and Collections (Editors: Steph Scholten, Jilda Andrews, Nicole Crawford, Andrew Simpson, Gina Hammond) 

Editorial Board


Review process, selection criteria, style standards and submission guidelines.

Old Issues

Fifteen volumes of UMACJ were published since 2008.

Chinese Edition

In 2018, UMAC signed an agreement with Shanghai University Museum to provide translations of UMACJ into Chinese. This allows the journal to be available to a new and large sector of museum practitioners and university administrators as a free open-source publication. Full access

Referencing & Indexing

UMACJ is currently seeking recognition with a range of journal indexing services. These will be noted here as they are established.


All queries and contributions, including illustrations, should be emailed to UMACJ Editor.