Florida International University, Miami Beach
The Wolfsonian
Florida International University, Miami Beach
The Wolfsonian
The project Campus Martius, or how to become a citizen of Perm University, is the WINNER OF THE UMAC AWARD 2018.
Read more about Campus Martius, as well as the comments by the Evaluation Committee here.
UMAC congratulates the Perm University History Museum and Perm State University for this remarkable recognition.
The UMAC Annual General Meeting approved the proposal by the Technical University Dresden (TU Dresden), in Germany, to host UMAC 2021. Kirsten Vincenz, UMAC member from TU Dresden, was in Miami to make the proposal, which was unanimously approved.
Photo: Creative Commons.
More importantly, UMAC will meet with the European University Heritage Network, Universeum.
The fantastic collections of TU Dresden can be explored in the UMAC World Database of University Museums and Collections — search them here.
Largely due to the partnership with, and commitment of the Association of Academic Museums and Galleries, US, our latest annual conference at the University of Miami mobilised almost 400 participants from 23 countries.
UMAC is grateful to the AAMG and we hope to continue developing activities together in the near future!
Read more.
The SJTU TD Lee Fund of the Shanghai Jiao Tong University (China) was established in 2013 with the aims of studying and exploring new scientific achievements, encouraging cooperation between scientists and artists, and creating artistic works to show the science itself or the influences that science brings to humans, society and the environment.
The Fund holds scientific symposiums and Science and Art Competitions on one specific scientific theme every year. Since 2014, four competitions have been successfully held whose themes are “Synchrotron Radiation”, “Gravity and General Relativity”, “Parity Nonconservation and Neutrino Physics” and “Quantum and Topology”. In 2018, the theme is “Time Reversal”.
See below how to apply:
Submission Information and Calendar
More information, please contact Xuwei CHEN (xwchen@sjtu.edu.cn)
University of the Basque Country, San Sebastian
Museum of Education
The 2018 ICOM Annual Meetings in Paris, France, are just around the corner. As ICOM keeps expanding its membership across the world, finding new ways of connecting with our members has become our number one priority. For the first time, the Annual Meetings will be available through Facebook Live, making them accessible to the largest number of our members. Three sessions will be retransmitted on real time: the keynote speech, delivered by artist Fred Wilson, the General Assembly, and the vote on the city that will host the 2022 ICOM General Conference. We will also encourage participation through our other social media platforms, Twitter and Instagram, via the hashtag #JuneMeetings.
Read more here.
The Lowe Art Museum, our host of the UMAC annual Conference next month, has just released a note for the media.
Read it here and find out more about the Lowe in UMAC World Database.
Title: Museum Institutions of the Higher Education System of Western Ukraine on the Background of Word Trends.
Author: Svitlana Muravska
Lviv, 2018, 357 pp.
The documents for the upcoming UMAC Annual General Meeting are now accessible here.
The AGM will take place 23 June 2018, at the University of Miami.