UMAC joins LinkedIn …

Dear University museum and collections specialists and all those interested in museology in higher education, we are starting a new Linkedin group!

UMAC – ICOM international committee for university museums and collections | Groups | LinkedIn

ICOM’s International Committee for University Museums and Collections (UMAC) have established this group as a platform for discussions about university museums and collections. It is open to UMAC members and also any one who is interested in museums and collections of higher education.

Please use this group to promote the work of your university museums and collections with news on exhibitions, events, publications and other activities. The group can also be used to pose and answer questions about museums and collections in higher education and operates as a discussion forum. We also welcome postings about best practice and links to useful documents. Join us today!

UMAC – ICOM international committee for university museums and collections | Groups | LinkedIn

Andrew Simpson Chair UMAC (University Museums and Collections) An International Committee of ICOM 





UMAC ZOOM IN: NEW PROJECTS #6, The Alliance of Taiwanese University Museums

Listen to the latest discussion in: UMAC ZOOM IN

The video is about the Taiwanese Alliance of University Museums 

Marta Lourenco, Former Chair of UMAC-ICOM, talks to Jeng-Horng Chen, Associate Professor in the Department of Systems and Naval Mechatronic Engineering of National Cheng Kung University (NCKU) and former NCKU Museum Director. Also participating: Mei-Fang Kuo and Ying-Ching Chiang.



UMAC ZOOM IN: NEW PROJECTS #6, The Alliance of Taiwanese University Museums – YouTube 

Meeting with Ukrainian university museum professionals

Following a short presentation by Svitlana Muravska at the UMAC Conference in Prague, last August, UMAC is organising this Thursday 29 September a meeting with Ukraine university museum professionals.

The meeting, live on UMAC YouTube channel, will count with UMAC Chair Andrew Simpson, the President of Universeum Sébastien Soubiran and Marta Lourenco.

Reminder: Convert our meeting times to your time zone using an online converter, for example 

New UMAC Board elected

Today, the UMAC Board 2022-2025 was elected at the 22nd Annual General Meeting, held online and transmitted live in our  YouTube channel.

The new UMAC Board comprises:
CHAIR: Andrew Simpson, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
Fatemeh Ahmadi, Medical University Museum, Tehran and University, Iran 
Giovanna Vitelli, The Hunterian, Glasgow University, UK 
SECRETARY: Gina Hammond, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
TREASURER: Dominick Verschelde, Gent University Museum, Belgium
Ana Isabel Díaz-Plaza Varón, Museo de Artes y Tradiciones Populares, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, Spain
Margarita Guzmán, Museo de la Universidad del Rosario, Bogotá, Colombia
Sian Tiley-Nel, University of Pretoria Museums, South Africa
See them here.


The winner of the UMAC Award 2022 was announced today.

It’s The Chinese University of Hong Kong (China), with UNIMINUTO (Colombia) and the University of Tokyo (Japan) in second place.

Read press release.

The UMAC AWARD celebrates excellencecreativity, and, more importantly, the impact of university museums and collections on their host universities, their communities and contemporary society.

The UMAC AWARD was created in 2016. It seeks to distinguish recent outstanding contributions to all areas of museum and collections theory and practice, particularly those with interdisciplinary approaches and potential wide application.

Read more about the UMAC AWARD 2022 here.

2022 SJTU T.D. LEE Science and Art Works Competition

Notice on the extension of the Collection period for 2022 SJTU T.D. LEE Science and Art Works Competition

2022 SJTU T.D. LEE Science and Art Works Competition was launched on May 20 and widely solicited works. During the period, centering on the theme of “metamaterials”, Tsung-Dao LEE Library held The first course of science and art 2022, released The Scientific Theme “Metamaterials”, held The Special Session of 2022 Shanghai Jiao Tong University Tsung Dao Lee Science and Art Workshop and released the summer cloud lecture series successively. The experts and scholars brought wonderful series of reports and case displays around the theme, which attracted the wide attention of science and art creators, teachers and students.

Considering the influence of the epidemic and the request of the majority of contestants, the deadline for collection of works was extended to September 30 decided by the SJTU T.D. LEE Science and Art Committee. Meanwhile, the time of first round evaluation and Second round evaluation will be adjusted accordingly. Please continue to pay attention to the follow-up notice for specific arrangements.

The   website of 2022 SJTU T.D. LEE Science and Art Works Competition

The   summer cloud lecture series

SJTU T.D. LEE Science and Art Committee
August, 2022


6 September (Tue), 9:00 (Lisbon), 16:00 (Hong Kong), 17:00 (Tokyo)

Art Museum, The Chinese University of Hong Kong

Time TravelHong Kong


8 September (Thu), 9:00 (Lisbon), 17:00 (Tokyo)

The University Museum, the University of Tokyo (UMUT) / Intermediatheque

Orchids Blossom – Botanical Art Collections from the University of Tokyo


13 September (Tue), 14:00 (Lisbon), 8:00 (Bogota), 22:00 (Tokyo)

Museo de Arte Contemporáneo de Bogotá

THESIS project


WINNER: to be announced on September 18, at 12:00 Lisbon/London time:


UMAC Award 2022 finalists

The UMAC AWARD 2022 finalists have been announced today by Akiko Fukuno and Marta Lourenco.

Learn who they are here. And watch the announcement on UMAC YouTube channel:

The announcement of the winner of the UMAC AWARD 2022 will be made live in our YouTube channel. Save the date: Sunday, 18 September, 12 PM Lisbon/London time.