UMAC News January / February 2025


Thank You @TU Dresden & Universeum
We would like to express our deep and sincere thanks to our hosts and partners of last year’s conference who worked tirelessly to ensure we had a vibrant and engaging conference in 2024. What an awesome event!
Here’s @TU Dresden’s reflections
And here’s the abstracts volume from the meeting that gives you an indication of just how much “Shaping Transformation” is going on:-

ICOM General Conference, Dubai 2025

From the 10th to the 14th of November 2025, ICOM will hold its 27th General Conference in Dubai with the motto “The Future of Museums in Rapidly Changing Communities”.
This year UMAC will partner with three other International Committees to develop programs. We will partner with CIMUSET, ICOM’s International Committee for Museums and Collections of Science and Technology; NATHIST, ICOM’s International Committee for Museums and Collections of Natural History and CIPEG, ICOM’s International Committee for Egyptology.
More information and call for papers coming soon.

University Museums Director’s Forum, Shanghai

A University Museums Directors Forum was held on December 11 & 12 at the Qian Xuesen Library and Museum at Shanghai Jiao Tong University. The Director’s forum was a further development of the collaboration between UMAC and Shanghai Jiao Tong University.  The Director’s Forum was a specialised meeting focused on university museums and university museum leadership and was attended by professional staff, university museum leaders and university leaders from China and elsewhere. It was an opportunity to deeply investigate issues of current relevance to the university museum sector globally. The focus of the forum in 2024 was on best professional practice in leadership. This was the first face to face meeting convened with our Chinese partners (and supported by the Chinese Museums Association since the COVID pandemic.

The International Congress on Culture in Climate Action 2024

The International Congress on Culture in Climate Action 2024 was held virtually on 4, 5 and 6 December. The congress was attended by more than 80 professionals from 20 different countries, including Argentina, Chile, Uruguay, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru, United States, Canada, Spain, Portugal, Ireland, England, Italy, Greece, Morocco, India, Pakistan, Australia and New Zealand, among other countries.
UMAC was an official sponsor of the congress and contributor. This event was organized by the Institute for Sustainable Urban and Territorial Development of the City of La Plata Foundation, Sustainable Heritage Forum, Heritage and Climate Change Initiative, Climate Heritage Network.
Here’s a UMAC contribution to the congress – The Unique Potential of the University Museum in the Anthropocene
We’ve been contacted by the organisers seeking our involvement in the 2025 issue of the congress. Anyone interested in participating get in touch

Imaginations – two new interviews

Two new interviews in the Imaginations series have been posted on our YouTube site thanks to Zhao Ke the Chair of our UMAC Futures Working Group. Check them out here.
Imaginations #18 with Nigel Bond, Manager of Cultural Collections Te Tumu Herenga Libraries and Learning Services. Waipapa Taumata Rau, University of Aukland, Aotearoa / New Zealand.
Imaginations #19 with Caine Chennat, Curatorial and Cultural Collections, University of Tasmania, Australia

Call for research participants

Former member of the first UMAC Board, and host of an early UMAC meeting at the Gustavianum, Ing-Marie Munktell is looking for some female colleagues who would be willing to answer some questions about work and career in academic museum settings.
Please contact Ing-Marie directly –

Coming very soon!

Is our special UMAC Journal issue entitled “Beyond Provenance Research: Restitution and Return from University Museums (eds. Steph C. Scholten, Andrew Simpson, Gina Hammond).
Being uploaded as we speak!


Museums Today: Activating Art Collections for University Science Curricula | The George Washington University Museum and The Textile Museum | The George Washington University
Some of the contributors to STEM in the Art Museum (UMACJ 16 -3) are participating in a webinar in the Museums Today series this Wednesday, 26th February at 18:00 EST (US), to talk about the volume and the intersection of art and science in teaching at the university level. Please tune in if you are available and please help us spread the word about this program. Here is the link to the page where you can learn more and register.
Info and registration
Here’s the relevant thematic issue of the University Museums and Collections Journal:-
‘Ways of Working’: How university museums and collections collaborate within their institutions
Date: Wednesday 12 March 2025
Time: 12.30-2.30pm (AEDT)
Location: Education Room, Chau Chak Wing Museum / Online
Presented by CAUMAC in collaboration with the Chau Chak Wing Museum, University of Sydney.
Exploring “Ways of Working” and examining the relationship between Australia’s university museums and collections and the tertiary education institutions that host them.
The event will consist of a series of lightning talks by colleagues from a range of Australian universities exploring case studies of projects and programs of collaboration. This will be followed by a panel featuring representatives of Australian university museums and collections and university administrators who will explore the role of museums and collections within the broader landscape of 21st century Australian higher education.
Further information and registration
What we’re reading
Art as a Bridge to the Past (from Miami)
UNE’s Museum of Antiquities reopens to the public (from Armidale)
Museos y colecciones universitarios: algunas experiencias globales en relación con el patrimonio académico
Have our universities lost their social licence?
More than Museums: Care for Natural and Cultural Heritage in Australia
How the SDGs are redefining internationalisation in HE, via @uniworldnews
Andrew Simpson
Chair UMAC (University Museums and Collections)
An International Committee of ICOM

Release of UMACj 16(3): STEM in the Art Museum: Innovative Pedagogies for the 21st-Century University

Dear UMAC community,
I am writing to announce the release of a special, guest-edited issue of the University Museums and Collections Journal; issue 16 (3) with the title of STEM in the Art Museum: Innovative Pedagogies for the 21st-Century University.
This issue is edited by Liliana Milkova from Yale University Art Gallery and Jodi Kovach from The Gund, Kenyon College, USA. This is the first issue of the journal that has been entirely guest edited.  Liliana and Jodi have put together an excellent compilation of interesting articles that break new ground in understanding the pedagogy of the university art museum.
Contributors include:- Liliana Milkova, Jodi Kovach, Jennifer McMahon, Danielle Raad, Gina Marie Hurley, Jim Harris, Ashley Moyse, Gina Hadley, Rachel Lane, Sally Frampton, Ariel Dempsey, Joshua Hordern, Kate Saunders, Gabriele C. De Luca, Bahram Moasser, Sarah C. Petersen, Hannah Wirta Kinney, Cynthia Taylor, Joey Orr, Daniel Tapia Takaki, Jennifer T. Cholnoky, Meg Urry, Sydney Skelton Simon, Spencer Smith, Ellen M. Alvord and Roksana Filipowska.
The volume will be a useful resource for museum educators both within and outside of the higher education setting. It includes case studies where the art museum has been used for pedagogy in biology, computer science, neuroscience, geology, chemistry, physics and medicine.
As with all issues of the UMAC Journal it is available freely online and published under a Creative Commons Licence CC BY-SA 4.0.
STEM in the Art Museum can be accessed here:
Kind regards,
Andrew Simpson
Chair Editorial Board, UMAC Journal, and
Chair UMAC (University Museums and Collections)
An International Committee of ICOM

Announcing the 2024 UMAC Award Winner

The 2024 UMAC Award was won by the The Hunterian, University of Glasgow, for their project, Curating Discomfort.

The Award was accepted by Esraa Husain and Steph Scholten, Director of the Hunterian, at the UMAC AGM, held on 26 September at the Dresden University of Technology.


The ceremony was attended by the representatives of the UMAC Award 2024 finalists and UMAC members at the UMAC-Universeum 2024 Conference.


Find out more about the winner and finalists of the Award on YouTube!


We promote every promising aspect of the university museums worldwide, and we look forward to seeing and receiving more projects you could share with us!


Best regards,


Akiko Fukuno
Chair of UMAC Award Committee

Curator, International Christian University Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum 

UMAC & UNIVERSEUM @ TUD 2024 // Livestream Announcement

UMAC & UNIVERSEUM @ TUD 2024 // Livestream Announcement


the Organizing Committee have announced the streaming details for the keynotes.  If you cannot join us in person, please read on … 

Dear colleagues,


as this year’s joint annual meeting of ICOM-UMAC and UNIVERSEUM European Academic Heritage Network is approaching, we have the pleasure to announce that both the Opening Remarks as well as the two Keynotes of the conference will be streamed live via Zoom. 


On Wednesday September 25th, 2024, at 9 am (CEST), the conference will open with a Welcome by the patron of the conference, the Minister President of the Free State of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, and the Rector of TUD Dresden University of Technology, Prof. Dr. Ursula Staudinger, amongst others. A keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Johannes Krause (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig), one of the leading voices in archaeogenetics worldwide, will follow.


On Friday, September 27th, 2024, 6:30 pm (CEST),  an evening lecture by the renowned anthropologist and curator Prof. Wayne Modest (Wereldmuseum Amsterdam/Leiden/Rotterdam // Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands) will serve as a catalyst to bring a broader audience to the discourse on the relationship between theory and practice in museum work.


We warmly invite you to join us online for these exciting events. For the access information, please see below.


All information about the keynote as well as the conference in general can be found at our conference website:


Looking forward to welcoming you virtually  at TU Dresden,

Best regards,   


the Organizing Committee

Kirsten Vincenz, Jörg Zaun, and Else Schlegel




Wednesday, September 25th, 2024, 9 am (CEST)

>> Welcome Remarks & Opening Keynote <<


“The Challenges and Potential to Use Anthropological Collections for Archaeogenetic Studies”

Prof. Dr. Johannes Krause
(Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany)


Zoom login
Meeting ID: 625 5614 3904
Passcode: t6z!0VJF




Friday, September 27th, 2024, 6:30 pm  (CEST)
>> Evening Keynote <<

“Where Theory Meets Practice, or, Every Museum Should be a University Museum”
Prof. Dr. Wayne Modest
(Wereldmuseum, Amsterdam/Leiden/Rotterdam & Research Center for Material Culture, Leiden, NL)


Zoom login
Meeting ID: 681 9393 3334
Passcode: nrbM^60f


joint annual meeting as started ! 

University collections in a changing world

September 24th to 29th, 2024
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Visit the conference website:

Six days of thought-provoking discussions and learning together.

ICOM-UMAC & UNIVERSEUM 2024 Online Program

Abstracts available online: 

Program overview 

Papers and presenting authors

UMAC FUTURES conversations continue …

Zhao Ke, Chair of UMAC FUTURES, has conducted a series of online conversations with young professionals from all over the world, sharing their experiences in university museums, their expectations and hopes and their views about the world in general. The latest two added to UMAC YouTube channel are conversations with

Przemek Deles, Curator, University of Warsaw, Poland


Hwang Nayoung, Curator, Hanyang University Museum, South Korea

Conversations 16 & 17

For the full library of conversations, visit

UMAC FUTURES – Working Group of UMAC focused on early career professionals in higher education who are either working with or researching the use of museums and collections.


Dear Colleagues,

We would like to announce the CALL FOR NOMINATIONS to the UMAC AWARD 2024.

UMAC celebrates excellence, creativity, and, more importantly, the impact of university museums and collections on their host universities, their communities and contemporary society through the UMAC AWARD.
Please send your nominations using either PDF or WORD form to the UMAC Secretary (

DEADLINE: 16 June 2024, midnight SYDNEY time.

If you have any questions concerning the UMAC AWARD, please feel free to contact me.
We are looking forward to receiving many nominations!
Best regards,
Akiko Fukuno
Chair of UMAC Award Committee,
Vice Chair, ICOM Japan,

Curator, International Christian University Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum 
10–2, Osawa 3–chome, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo 181–8585 JAPAN
TEL 0422-33-3340 FAX 0422-33-3485

Call for Papers extended to Sunday 28th Jan — ICOM-UMAC & UNIVERSEUM @ TUD 2024 — TU

Call for Papers — ICOM-UMAC & UNIVERSEUM @ TUD 2024 — TU Dresden (

University Collections in a Changing World
Joint Annual Meeting of ICOM-UMAC and UNIVERSEUM
TUD Dresden University of Technology │ September 24th to 29th, 2024
From September 24th to 29th, 2024, ICOM-UMAC, the International Council of Museums’ Committee for University Museums and Collections, and the European Academic Heritage Network UNIVERSEUM will hold their first joint annual meeting at TUD Dresden University of Technology in Dresden, Germany. The conference, hosted by TUD’s Office of Academic Heritage, Scientific, and Art Collections, will be held on-site, with selected keynotes streamed online. The conference language is English.
In a world undergoing profound processes of transformation, societal, political, and environmental changes are increasingly impacting all areas of human life. For university collections and museums, such developments present both challenges and opportunities. The way academic heritage is perceived and the infrastructures dedicated to its management and care are currently in a state of flux, leading sometimes to decline, sometimes to new life. Looking back, similar developments have affected academic heritage at various points in history, and they are likely to do so in the years to come.
These processes of transformation and transition, their impact on university collections and museums, and how we respond to them both individually and as a community, will be the overarching theme of the 2024 Dresden conference.

For full details relating to the Call for Papers please visit:
Call for Papers — ICOM-UMAC & UNIVERSEUM @ TUD 2024 — TU Dresden (


>> APPLY NOW << Call for Papers “Shaping Transformation. University Collections in a Changing World” – joint annual meeting of ICOM-UMAC & UNIVERSEUM (Sept 24th to 29th, 2024) — ICOM-UMAC & UNIVERSEUM @ TUD 2024 — TU Dresden (

The 2023 UMAC Award

The 2023 UMAC Award

UMAC (University Museums and Collections) is the International Committee of ICOM (International Council of Museums), the global organisation of museum professions working in higher education. Established in 2001, it is a relatively new group in comparison with many other committees within ICOM.

One of the group’s initiatives was the establishment of the UMAC Award. The UMAC AWARD was created in 2016. It is an annual competition judged by an international group of experienced museum professionals. The Award Committee is chaired by Akiko Fukuno from the Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum, International Christian University, Tokyo. (See for the full list of currently appointed judges).

The Award honours excellence and innovation in university museums and collections work worldwide. It seeks to distinguish and reward recent outstanding contributions through project work to all areas of museum and collections theory and practice, particularly those with interdisciplinary approaches and a potential for wide application.

Projects nominated for the UMAC Award cover all areas of museums and collections theory and practice, including exhibition development, education, conservation, teaching, research, management and business models, design and architecture, ethics, service to the university and the public, strategic planning, and advances in museology.

Projects nominated must demonstrate: innovation/creativity; excellence; transferability of ideas that can be adopted by other university museums and collections regardless of geography, size or location; and impact on the host university, the community or society at large.

UMAC celebrates excellence, creativity, and, more importantly, the impact of university museums and collections on their host universities, their communities and contemporary society through the UMAC AWARD. “The Award is an important reminder that some of the most creative new museum work actually occurs in the higher education sector” says Andrew Simpson, the current Chair of UMAC.

The 2023 UMAC Award was won by the Chau Chak Wing Museum, University of Sydney, for their project, Object-Based Learning Program. It is the first time the UMAC Award has been won by an Australian university.

The Award was accepted by Dr. Paul Donnelly, Deputy Director of the Chau Chak Wing Museum at the UMAC AGM, held on 1 September. The ceremony was attended by the representatives of the three UMAC Award 2023 finalists and the Jury, both online and in-person.

For the three finalists for the 2023 UMAC Award, see our previous media release:

Or see the playlist on our YouTube Channel

The judges of the UMAC Award for 2023 were clearly impressed by the transformative impact object-based learning had made across the curriculum at the University of Sydney via the Chau Chak Wing Museum program.

The CCWM was strategically designed with interdisciplinarity at its core. It’s centralised position within the university structure and the diversity of its collections allows the OBL program to enrich the academic environment of all students regardless of their area of study, and to act as a hub of productive interdisciplinary connections for staff and students. The OBL program’s success is due to the fact that each class is bespoke to meet specific learning outcomes, with carefully curated objects and purposefully designed active and autonomous learning activities to develop key skills.

“It’s a great example of the fundamental role collections have in the pedagogy of higher education, particularly the ability to draw cross-disciplinary connections for students and staff” says Andrew Simpson. “Congratulations to the CCWM OBL team. We hope the UMAC Award continues to be a focus for exemplary museum practice in higher education.”

The other two finalists for 2023 were the Genia Shrieber University Art Gallery, The David and Yolanda Katz Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University for their project: “In the Mind’s Eye,” and the Medical Museion, the University of Copenhagen for their project: “The World is in You.”

Previous winners of the UMAC Awards (from the website

National University of Singapore – 2016

Sam Noble Museum of Natural History, University of Oklahoma – 2017

The Perm University History Museum, Russia – 2018.

Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen, Denmark – 2019.

University of Tartu Museum, Estonia – 2020.

Aarhus University, Denmark, Science Museums – 2021.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China – 2022.



PDF of media release: