UMAC News January / February 2025
Release of UMACj 16(3): STEM in the Art Museum: Innovative Pedagogies for the 21st-Century University

Announcing the 2024 UMAC Award Winner
The 2024 UMAC Award was won by the The Hunterian, University of Glasgow, for their project, Curating Discomfort.
The Award was accepted by Esraa Husain and Steph Scholten, Director of the Hunterian, at the UMAC AGM, held on 26 September at the Dresden University of Technology.
The ceremony was attended by the representatives of the UMAC Award 2024 finalists and UMAC members at the UMAC-Universeum 2024 Conference.
Find out more about the winner and finalists of the Award on YouTube!
We promote every promising aspect of the university museums worldwide, and we look forward to seeing and receiving more projects you could share with us!
Best regards,
Akiko Fukuno
Chair of UMAC Award Committee
Curator, International Christian University Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum
UMAC & UNIVERSEUM @ TUD 2024 // Livestream Announcement
UMAC & UNIVERSEUM @ TUD 2024 // Livestream Announcement
the Organizing Committee have announced the streaming details for the keynotes. If you cannot join us in person, please read on …
Dear colleagues,
as this year’s joint annual meeting of ICOM-UMAC and UNIVERSEUM European Academic Heritage Network is approaching, we have the pleasure to announce that both the Opening Remarks as well as the two Keynotes of the conference will be streamed live via Zoom.
On Wednesday September 25th, 2024, at 9 am (CEST), the conference will open with a Welcome by the patron of the conference, the Minister President of the Free State of Saxony, Michael Kretschmer, and the Rector of TUD Dresden University of Technology, Prof. Dr. Ursula Staudinger, amongst others. A keynote speech by Prof. Dr. Johannes Krause (Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig), one of the leading voices in archaeogenetics worldwide, will follow.
On Friday, September 27th, 2024, 6:30 pm (CEST), an evening lecture by the renowned anthropologist and curator Prof. Wayne Modest (Wereldmuseum Amsterdam/Leiden/Rotterdam // Vrije University Amsterdam, Netherlands) will serve as a catalyst to bring a broader audience to the discourse on the relationship between theory and practice in museum work.
We warmly invite you to join us online for these exciting events. For the access information, please see below.
All information about the keynote as well as the conference in general can be found at our conference website:
Looking forward to welcoming you virtually at TU Dresden,
Best regards,
the Organizing Committee
Kirsten Vincenz, Jörg Zaun, and Else Schlegel
Wednesday, September 25th, 2024, 9 am (CEST)
>> Welcome Remarks & Opening Keynote <<
“The Challenges and Potential to Use Anthropological Collections for Archaeogenetic Studies”
Prof. Dr. Johannes Krause
(Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Anthropology, Leipzig, Germany)
Zoom login
Meeting ID: 625 5614 3904
Passcode: t6z!0VJF
Friday, September 27th, 2024, 6:30 pm (CEST)
>> Evening Keynote <<
“Where Theory Meets Practice, or, Every Museum Should be a University Museum”
Prof. Dr. Wayne Modest
(Wereldmuseum, Amsterdam/Leiden/Rotterdam & Research Center for Material Culture, Leiden, NL)
Zoom login
Meeting ID: 681 9393 3334
Passcode: nrbM^60f
joint annual meeting as started !
University collections in a changing world
September 24th to 29th, 2024
TUD Dresden University of Technology
Visit the conference website:
Six days of thought-provoking discussions and learning together.
ICOM-UMAC & UNIVERSEUM 2024 Online Program
Abstracts available online:
UMAC FUTURES conversations continue …
Zhao Ke, Chair of UMAC FUTURES, has conducted a series of online conversations with young professionals from all over the world, sharing their experiences in university museums, their expectations and hopes and their views about the world in general. The latest two added to UMAC YouTube channel are conversations with
Przemek Deles, Curator, University of Warsaw, Poland
Hwang Nayoung, Curator, Hanyang University Museum, South Korea
For the full library of conversations, visit
UMAC FUTURES – Working Group of UMAC focused on early career professionals in higher education who are either working with or researching the use of museums and collections.
2024 Exchange Program: Sharing Stories on Contested Histories
The programme will accept a minimum of 15 participants.
For more information, and how to apply, visit Sharing Stories on Contested Histories | International Heritage Cooperation | Cultural Heritage Agency (
To apply for the training, candidates are invited to submit a motivation letter (maximum of 2 A4 pages) and a CV to Sofia Lovegrove by 29 June 2024.
We would like to announce the CALL FOR NOMINATIONS to the UMAC AWARD 2024.
DEADLINE: 16 June 2024, midnight SYDNEY time.
Curator, International Christian University Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum
10–2, Osawa 3–chome, Mitaka-shi, Tokyo 181–8585 JAPAN
TEL 0422-33-3340 FAX 0422-33-3485
Call for Papers extended to Sunday 28th Jan — ICOM-UMAC & UNIVERSEUM @ TUD 2024 — TU
Call for Papers — ICOM-UMAC & UNIVERSEUM @ TUD 2024 — TU Dresden (
For full details relating to the Call for Papers please visit:
Call for Papers — ICOM-UMAC & UNIVERSEUM @ TUD 2024 — TU Dresden (
The 2023 UMAC Award
The 2023 UMAC Award
UMAC (University Museums and Collections) is the International Committee of ICOM (International Council of Museums), the global organisation of museum professions working in higher education. Established in 2001, it is a relatively new group in comparison with many other committees within ICOM.
One of the group’s initiatives was the establishment of the UMAC Award. The UMAC AWARD was created in 2016. It is an annual competition judged by an international group of experienced museum professionals. The Award Committee is chaired by Akiko Fukuno from the Hachiro Yuasa Memorial Museum, International Christian University, Tokyo. (See for the full list of currently appointed judges).
The Award honours excellence and innovation in university museums and collections work worldwide. It seeks to distinguish and reward recent outstanding contributions through project work to all areas of museum and collections theory and practice, particularly those with interdisciplinary approaches and a potential for wide application.
Projects nominated for the UMAC Award cover all areas of museums and collections theory and practice, including exhibition development, education, conservation, teaching, research, management and business models, design and architecture, ethics, service to the university and the public, strategic planning, and advances in museology.
Projects nominated must demonstrate: innovation/creativity; excellence; transferability of ideas that can be adopted by other university museums and collections regardless of geography, size or location; and impact on the host university, the community or society at large.
UMAC celebrates excellence, creativity, and, more importantly, the impact of university museums and collections on their host universities, their communities and contemporary society through the UMAC AWARD. “The Award is an important reminder that some of the most creative new museum work actually occurs in the higher education sector” says Andrew Simpson, the current Chair of UMAC.
The 2023 UMAC Award was won by the Chau Chak Wing Museum, University of Sydney, for their project, Object-Based Learning Program. It is the first time the UMAC Award has been won by an Australian university.
The Award was accepted by Dr. Paul Donnelly, Deputy Director of the Chau Chak Wing Museum at the UMAC AGM, held on 1 September. The ceremony was attended by the representatives of the three UMAC Award 2023 finalists and the Jury, both online and in-person.
For the three finalists for the 2023 UMAC Award, see our previous media release:
Or see the playlist on our YouTube Channel
The judges of the UMAC Award for 2023 were clearly impressed by the transformative impact object-based learning had made across the curriculum at the University of Sydney via the Chau Chak Wing Museum program.
The CCWM was strategically designed with interdisciplinarity at its core. It’s centralised position within the university structure and the diversity of its collections allows the OBL program to enrich the academic environment of all students regardless of their area of study, and to act as a hub of productive interdisciplinary connections for staff and students. The OBL program’s success is due to the fact that each class is bespoke to meet specific learning outcomes, with carefully curated objects and purposefully designed active and autonomous learning activities to develop key skills.
“It’s a great example of the fundamental role collections have in the pedagogy of higher education, particularly the ability to draw cross-disciplinary connections for students and staff” says Andrew Simpson. “Congratulations to the CCWM OBL team. We hope the UMAC Award continues to be a focus for exemplary museum practice in higher education.”
The other two finalists for 2023 were the Genia Shrieber University Art Gallery, The David and Yolanda Katz Faculty of the Arts, Tel Aviv University for their project: “In the Mind’s Eye,” and the Medical Museion, the University of Copenhagen for their project: “The World is in You.”
Previous winners of the UMAC Awards (from the website
National University of Singapore – 2016
Sam Noble Museum of Natural History, University of Oklahoma – 2017
The Perm University History Museum, Russia – 2018.
Medical Museion, University of Copenhagen, Denmark – 2019.
University of Tartu Museum, Estonia – 2020.
Aarhus University, Denmark, Science Museums – 2021.
The Chinese University of Hong Kong, China – 2022.
PDF of media release: