The Kyoto Book of Abstracts has just been published

In many conferences, books of abstracts are just part of that immense pile of paper that we trash in the hotel room right before returning home.

With UMAC, it was also like that. Few of us have the abstracts from UMAC 2004 or UMAC 2011.

Until now.

By publishing the Book of Abstracts as an issue of our journal UMACJVolume 11, No. 1 – abstracts from the 19th UMAC Annual Conference in Kyoto will remain accessible in our institutional record and be preserved as a resource for research. Moreover, this gives authors the opportunity to have their abstracts  referenced and cited in an ISSN peer-review journal.

Read more about this change in the introduction of UMACJ, Vol. 11 No. 1.

The issue was edited by Andrew Simpson, Akiko Fukuno and Hiroshi Minami, with graphic edition of Silvana Arago Telona.